
Condor © IPS

    Low-cost on-demand solution for room air purification
    Designed for use in Schools, Offices, Hotels, Isolation rooms and other Critical Care situations
    Reduces the risk for further spread of harmful air borne particles or viruses

Cytogard Cytotoxic Drug Safety Cabinets

    Protection of cabinet users and other staff from exposure
    Protection of cabinet maintenance personnel from the residue
    Protection of drug products - prepared in a safe environment

Inter-Carb Carbon Panel Filter

    Effective against removing typical unpleasant odours
    Designed for applications where both odour and particulate control are required
    Filter media is a blend of synthetic fibers impregnated with activated carbon that affords the owner flexibility

PCR Series Laminar Flow Cabinet

    Provides a high degree of protection
    Designed for installation on standard laboratory benches
    Each unit is factory-tested and certified by a NATA-registered laboratory 

Reloadable V-Cell

    Easy to service
    A unique solution that is easily adaptable
    Has a low energy cost, low wastage

RFC Recirculating Fume Cabinet

    Suitable for benchtop use
    Supplied with a stainless-steel work tray
    Protects laboratory staff and the environment from toxic vapours, gases, fumes and particles

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